Deborah Valiquet Myers Fine Art

Embellished Prints

These prints have all of the beauty of an original piece at a fraction of the price.

Artwork is printed on watercolor paper, embellished with metal leaf, dots & squares and gestural lines. The paper edges are then deckled (torn) and the final piece is mounted on black matt board.

The piece you will receive is designed to fit in a standard frame – 16” x 20” or 11” x 14”.  Actual print sizes are 12″x16″ and 9″x12″.

Framing options are endless with the addition of custom matting and the frame of your choice.  And all may be hung either vertically or horizontally.

Your artwork will arrive in a plastic sleeve and is signed on the back.

They look stunning under glass!

All artwork is embellished and deckled by hand so there may be slight variations in the piece you receive.

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